Have you recently renewed your driver’s license but, to your dismay, only received a paper license instead of a proper card? You’re probably not the only one out there as the Land Transportation Office has a bit of a backlog with its driver’s license cards for a while.
However, there is some good news on the horizon as the Land Transportation Office-National Capital Region (LTO-NCR) has launched two new tools that people can use to check their card status or to submit print requests for backlogged cards.

The first tool (the Driver’s License Online Inquiry) can be accessed via this link. This is to see if your printed card is ready to be claimed.
To utilize this tool, all you need is either your driver’s license number or your name and birthdate.
If the tool says that your card is ready, you must personally claim the card yourself.

The second tool (the Driver’s License Request Form) is found at this link. This tool is for you to request for your backlogged license card to be printed.
You need to have the LTO Client ID number found on the official receipt, alongside the LTO field office and office code number.
After that, you will provide the rest of your details:
- Driver’s license number
- Driver’s license classification
- First, middle, and last names
- Suffix
- Sex
- Birth date
- Contact number
As with the other tool, you must personally claim the card yourself.

Take note that only people who had their licenses renewed within the Geographical Area of Responsibility (GAOR) of the LTO-NCR can utilize the tools.
These services are also currently available at specific Driver’s License Renewal Offices (DLROs), licensing centers, and district/extension offices, but more will be added to the online system in the coming days, according to LTO-NCR regional director Roque Verzosa III.