We stirred up a hornet’s nest when we wrote about the unlawful and dangerous acts being performed in motorcycle vlogging. Said acts had become so common in YouTube videos that the mesmerized followers of certain vloggers could no longer see the wrong in them. How did we reach this point?
We can think of one principal reason, and that’s the abysmal lack of law enforcement. The daredevil vloggers regularly pull off stunts that should easily warrant a traffic citation. They zoom past 200km/h, split lanes at 140km/h, and basically weave in and out of spaces as they please. And these exploits are recorded for everyone to see—inspiring a new generation of reckless, ignorant riders and even earning good money for the perpetrators. The practice has become so brazen that the vloggers don’t even bother to blur or cover the illegal speeds they hit. The faster they go, the cooler they are in the eyes of their adoring fans.

The real question here is this: How is this being allowed, unchecked and ignored? What happened to the authorities? Countless motorcycle riders are making a mockery of the declared 100km/h speed limit in broad daylight, and happily getting away with it. Not only do they get away with the violations, they even brag about doing so on social media. What message are we sending to our present and future road users? That it’s okay to break traffic rules because no one gives a shit anyway?
Imagine getting robbed in the middle of the day, and then watching the footage of the crime on YouTube—uploaded by the thieves themselves. And then picture the same bandits returning to your place over and over again, committing the same thing and showing it off online. What stupid homeowner would allow this to continue? This is what’s happening now on our expressways.
When will there be a serious discussion among tollway operators? When someone dies and everyone starts pointing fingers? Act now. Before it’s too late and while you can still count the violators using your two hands.