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Hector Villacorta is named acting officer-in-charge of LTO

To take over the departing Jay Art Tugade effective June 1

Asec. Hector Villacorta will be assuming two posts in the meantime while awaiting official appointment. PHOTO FROM DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION

With Jay Art Tugade formally vacating his position tomorrow (June 1) as Land Transportation Office chief, Department of Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista has temporarily appointed DOTr Asec. Hector Villacorta as officer-in-charge for the LTO while awaiting permanent appointment by the president.

For now, he will continue to also act as DOTr Assistant Secretary for Communications and Commuter Affairs, but Villacorta has assured that he will be focusing on “critical issues” within the LTO, such as the issuance of driver’s licenses and vehicle plates.

Villacorta was Commission on Appointments (CA) Secretary during the terms of Senate Presidents Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III and Vicente Sotto III, and acted as chief-of-staff for the latter. He is also currently a practicing lawyer and a graduate of University of Santo Tomas Law (1971) and Colegio de San Juan de Letran.

Sam Surla

Sam used to be the youngest member of our editorial team when he was our managing editor. He specialized in photography and videography, but he also happened to like writing about cars a lot.
