A few years ago, imagining concept cars for an article would have meant you either had to spend hours drawing them yourself or, if you don’t have the talent, find someone who could create the images for you. Then artificial intelligence bots arrived, and everything changed. Now we can imagine whatever we want, and the machine creates it in mere seconds.
The results aren’t always right the first time around, but with a bit of tweaking and the right command prompts, we can make our wildest automotive fantasies a reality. So naturally, we did. Below are seven cars we wish existed, even if only to make the four-wheeled world out there a bit more interesting.

Toyota Vios Convertible. Driving with the roof down might not be the most popular activity in a polluted city, but hit provincial roads and there’s nothing nicer than feeling the wind in your hair.

Ferrari Estate. I know what you’re going to say: There already is one! But we mean something a little more substantial than a GTC4 Lusso. Audi has created an absolute monster with the new RS6, and Ferrari could easily muscle into the family rocket-ship market by turning one of its machines into a speedy cargo carrier. How about an “SF90 Familiare,” with space for all the family and some luggage (but none of the SUV crossover weirdness).

Toyota Wigo Pickup. The Wigo is not only one of the most popular cars in the country, but also one of the cheapest. Now, imagine a version designed for small-business owners who need to haul goods around town. Small enough to fit through tight side streets and into tiny parking spaces, the Wigo Pickup could be the worker ant on the roads of Metro Manila.

Nissan Patrol GT-R Crossover. So, crossovers are still all the rage, so why not take it to the extreme and combine Godzilla with the mighty Nissan Patrol? The result is, er, interesting.

Tesla Convertible. Tesla might be working on a new Roadster, but what it could really do with is a comfortable four-seater convertible. Like a Model S without a roof.

Supercar Bus. Most buses and UV Express-type vehicles that ply the roads of Metro Manila are more practical than exciting, but what if supercar brands were to branch out and build public-utility vehicles? Imagine relaxing in the back of a Lamborghini or Ferrari bus while the world zips by on your commute home.

Toyota Fortuner Convertible. The Fortuner is super popular around here, but what if we could have an even more versatile version that allows for al fresco driving?