My next assignment came as a surprise because I was asked if I could write a piece about women who do their makeup behind the driver’s seat in the middle of traffic. My response was: “What? Women do their makeup behind the wheel in traffic?!”
Hence, the genuine shock and surprise.
Listen, I’m as girly girl as they come, but never have I ever applied makeup on myself while I was stuck in traffic—unless, of course, I was in the passenger seat.
I can see how it can be tempting given how often we can get stuck in standstill levels of traffic. But knowing the risks alone should surely repel you from such a temptation.

In our country in particular, we share the roads and the major thoroughfares with scooters and motorcycles, which we know can easily squeeze in between the lane spaces—from the sides, the front, and the back of your vehicle. It’s still imperative to be fully aware of their presence at all times.
One foot on the brake while totally preoccupied with mascara application is going to open you up to unwanted possibilities of the accidental kind.

Our EIC showed me some links to shocking revelations such as the percentage of female drivers who apply makeup in traffic. Almost 50%, to be exact. Although I am hoping this isn’t true for the Philippines, please consider this a reminder if you’re guilty of doing this.
Studies have shown that one of the main reasons why women tend to do their makeup regimens while the light is red is simply due to not having had enough time to get ready at home before leaving for the office. Looking presentable and fresh is of utmost priority for women upon arrival at work or any other destination. However, responsible drivers must know that one’s safety and the safety of other people should be the top priority.
A tip I learned from my former life in the fashion industry: A fashionable pair of sunglasses or clear glasses will do wonders for an unprepped face.
Behind the wheel is not the place to show off just how good at multitasking we women can be. It’s about time we changed the meaning of the expression, “You drive like a girl.”