Traffic > Safety

Apparently, this is the right way to cross the road

As practiced inside Toyota’s production facility in Santa Rosa

These pedestrian signs are everywhere inside Toyota’s Santa Rosa compound. Amazing. PHOTO BY VERNON B. SARNE

We were shooting a video inside Toyota Motor Philippines’ compound in Santa Rosa, Laguna, when we noticed a somewhat strange thing: All the pedestrian crosswalks are complemented by the following sign…

It’s simple: Stop, check left, check right, then go. PHOTO BY VERNON B. SARNE

Basically, the sign asks pedestrians to do these steps before crossing the road:

1. Stop;
2. Check left; and
3. Check right.

If you think it’s too basic to even be discussed, you have to see Toyota employees actually doing it.

People inside the compound religiously observe the practice. You just get the hang of it. PHOTO BY VERNON B. SARNE

Everyone—and we mean every single one—does it. They even say, “yoshi, yoshi,” while pointing to the left and then to the right. It supposedly means “check, check.” It looks absurd at first, but when you realize how this simple act aids in keeping you alert while you step onto hostile pavement, it all begins to make sense. Many of us absentmindedly saunter around the block while checking our friends’ latest photos on Instagram, not realizing we’re just a couple of paces away from being flattened by an armored vehicle. Pointing your finger at both sides of the road while calling the name of a Mario Kart character helps. Try it (without laughing).

Here’s how it’s done.

Stop, yoshi, yoshi, go!

Vernon B. Sarne

Vernon is the founder and editor-in-chief of VISOR. He has been an automotive journalist since July 1995. He became one by serendipity, walking into the office of a small publishing company and applying for a position he had no idea was for a local car magazine. God has watched over him throughout his humble journey. He writes the ‘Spoiler’ column.
