If there’s one thing that truly sucks about getting stuck in slow-moving traffic, it’s not boredom or physical fatigue. It’s the precious time you lose—hours you will never be able to take back. Imagine important moments evaporating into thin air as you stare helplessly at bright taillights. Those are moments you could otherwise spend playing with your kids, learning a new language, finishing an overdue article, attending a Bible study or working out at the gym. Instead, you sit motionless in the middle of EDSA, wondering if Blackpink’s Lisa really wears Penshoppe stuff.
Sadly, that’s the sort of trivial pursuit you’re forced to engage in when you have absolutely nothing better to do. What are the other options? Listening to stupid FM radio shows that pull your intelligence quotient down by a point or two in just an hour of tuning in? Or playing the same playlist you’ve been bobbing your head to since high school?
Allow us to suggest something far more entertaining and way more mentally stimulating: audiobooks. That’s right. It’s like reading and learning while staying safe and alert behind the wheel of your car. So what if you have to waste three hours of your day just to get to work or home? At least you get to absorb a few chapters of a nice book, which should then make you sound smart at your friends’ next gathering.
Most audiobooks have a price—ranging from $15 (P760) to $25 (P1,265)—but the really good ones are definitely worth it. An excellent title not only makes killing time so much more bearable, but it can also help loosen things up if you have difficult company with you (say, an angry wife or the office loser who keeps hitching a ride).
Anyway, should you download an audiobook app on your phone, here are 10 titles we feel would be popular among car freaks. Enjoy!
