Thanks to our present need to avoid physical contact with other human beings, most of us have been buying stuff online. In doing so, we trust that the seller will send our items with the utmost care worthy of our hard-earned money. Unfortunately, online sellers dispatch their merchandise via delivery services, and more often than not, they use delivery firms with the cheapest rates so they earn more. That’s just practical business.
Now, said delivery services—in order to keep offering competitive rates—have to cut corners. Like hiring unqualified personnel (whether their own or merely outsourced). You’d be very naive to think your goods are handled like pampered babies by these parcel couriers. The above image is a screenshot from a viral video that shows J&T Express workers doing their job like a bunch of rascals tossing balls around.
Which prompted the company to issue this statement:
We have received complaints on the mishandling of parcels as shown in a viral video, circulating on social media. We would like to reiterate that we do not tolerate such acts and behavior, and we humbly take responsibility for this incident.
We would also like to assure the public that this is an isolated case. All of our facilities, including our branches and warehouses across the country, are under 24/7 monitoring. We also follow strict protocols in handling the shipments and ensure that these are handled with proper care.
We have already identified all the involved personnel in the video. Proper sanctions will be given to them accordingly.
We thank all individuals, especially our customers and employees, for their continuous trust and support. As a way of showing our gratitude, we are planning to provide incentives for such actions.
We’re not sure about this being isolated. It looks routine to us, the way the men were having juvenile fun while handling other people’s valuables. No wonder we sometimes end up with damaged items, but the seller swears the merchandise left them in pristine condition. Maybe this is also a function of cost-cutting. As they say, you get what you pay for.
No amount of bubble wrap can save your shiny stuff from stupid (and unsupervised) shenanigans.
UPDATE: Someone shared with us another video showing J&T Express personnel in action. Watch it here.