Traffic > Concrete

Construction begins on ADB Avenue to upgrade pedestrian crossings

It should finish by February

Do you yield to pedestrians at crosswalks? PHOTO FROM GOOGLE MAPS

Imagine this: You’re walking in the middle of a pedestrian crossing when a driver decides to honk at you, speed up, and cut you off. Must be infuriating, right?

To address this, the Active Transport Project Office has begun the construction of speed tables on ADB Avenue.

A speed table is an elongated speed bump, and it serves as a form of traffic calming. Aside from forcing drivers to slow down, it increases pedestrian visibility when installed at crosswalks.

Take note of the lane closures on ADB Avenue. GRAPHICS FROM DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION

The construction will be done in two parts. For Phase 1, the inner lanes will be closed off, and vice versa for Phase 2. Should everything proceed smoothly, the project will be completed by February.

The Department of Transportation asks for the public’s cooperation and understanding, as this is a step forward in improving road safety within the area.

Leandro Mangubat

Leandro is our staff writer. Although having a background in mechanical engineering, he enjoys photography and writing more.
